Jesus, Our Substitute By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture :1 Corinthians 15:3 The Mysteries of the Cross – Jesus, Our Substitute: 2 Corinthians 5:21 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld unpacks “the mysteries of the cross” to help us understand the full significance of Jesus’ atonement for our sins.
By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture :Galatians 6:14 The Atonement of Jesus – Galatians 6:14 : Galatians 6:14 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld unpacks “the mysteries of the cross” to help us understand the full significance of Jesus’ atonement for our sins.
By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture :Galatians 6:14 The Atonement of Jesus – Galatians 6:14 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld unpacks “the mysteries of the cross” to help us understand the full significance of Jesus’ atonement for our sins.
Wisdom and the Use of Time By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture : Ephesians 5:15-17 Topics: Spiritual Growth, Time Series: The Time of Your Life The Time of Your Life – Wisdom and the Use of Time: Ephesians 5:15-17 This one-week series from Dr. John Neufeld will examine the way we think of time and […]
God Chooses Our Calling By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture : 1 SAMUEL 14-15 Topics: OLD TESTAMENT BIBLICAL FIGURES, THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD Series: Life Lessons From David Life Lessons From David: 1 Samuel 14-15 Join Dr. John Neufeld as he explores the life of David, the man who would be king, from the […]
Jan 20, 2020 Seven Great Reasons to be Wise By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture: Proverbs 8:1-36 Topics: Wisdom Series: Proverbs: Skillful Living Skillful Living: Proverbs 8:1-36 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld covers some important themes in the book of Proverbs to help us discover the keys to finding true wisdom, known as skillful living. Dr. […]
Jan 15, 2020 Seven Great Reasons to be Wise By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture: Proverbs 8:1-36 Topics: Wisdom Series: Proverbs: Skillful Living Skillful Living: Proverbs 8:1-36 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld covers some important themes in the book of Proverbs to help us discover the keys to finding true wisdom, known as skillful living. Dr. […]
Jan 14, 2020 Winning the War Against Sexual Sin By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture: Proverbs 7:1-27 Topics: Sexual Purity, Wisdom Series: Proverbs: Skillful Living Skillful Living: Proverbs 7:1-27 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld covers some important themes in the book of Proverbs to help us discover the keys to finding true wisdom, known as skillful […]
Jan 13, 2020 Winning the War Against Sexual Sin By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture: Proverbs 7:1-27 Topics: Sexual Purity, Wisdom Series: Proverbs: Skillful Living Skillful Living: Proverbs 7:1-27 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld covers some important themes in the book of Proverbs to help us discover the keys to finding true wisdom, known as skillful […]
Jan 08, 2020 Counting on God By: Dr. John Neufeld Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-12 Topics: Wisdom Series: Proverbs: Skillful Living Skillful Living: Proverbs 3:1-12 In this one-week series, Dr. Neufeld covers some important themes in the book of Proverbs to help us discover the keys to finding true wisdom, known as skillful living. Dr. John Neufeld joined […]