A Time to be Renewed THE REAL THING

The New Covenant Christian has reality! We are not depending on a high priest on earth who annually visits the holy of holies in a temporary sanctuary. We depend on the heavenly High Priest who has entered once and for all into the eternal sanctuary. There He represents us before...

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A Time to be Renewed A RICH WELCOME

The hope of seeing Christ and going to heaven is not only a motivation for faith and love, but also for holy living. When I was a young Christian, an older friend warned me, “Don’t be caught doing anything that would embarrass you if Jesus returned!” That is a rather...

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A Time to be Renewed SETTLED IN HEAVEN

The work of Christ is a completed work, final and eternal. On the basis of this completed work, He is ministering now in heaven on our behalf. The Lord has appeared to put away sin by dying on the cross. He is appearing now in heaven for us. One day...

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A Time to be Renewed OUR RISEN SAVIOUR

We must never minimize the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It declares that He is God, that the work of salvation is completed and accepted by the Father, and that death has been conquered. The Gospel message includes the Resurrection, for a dead Saviour can save nobody. It...

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A Time to be Renewed OUR FAITHFUL HELPER

What happens when we who have become members of God’s family through Jesus Christ are tempted to sin? Jesus stands ready to help us! He was tempted when He was on earth, but no temptation ever conquered Him. Because He has defeated every enemy, He is able to give us...

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A Time to be Renewed KNOWING GOD’S WILL

The general will of God for all His children is given clearly in the Bible. The specific will of God for any given situation must always agree with what He has already revealed in His Word. The better we know God’s general will, the easier it will be to determine...

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A Time to be Renewed ROOM FOR VARIETY

Just as the whole of the Law is summed up in love, so the whole of human relationships is fulfilled in love. This applies to every Christian and to every area of life. This love is evidenced by a unity of mind. Unity does not mean uniformity; it means cooperation...

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Paul devoted a great deal of space to the theme of sexual purity because it was a critical problem in the church of his day. It is also a critical problem in the church today. For many people, marriage vows are no longer considered sacred; divorce, even among believers, is...

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A Time to be Renewed IN GOOD HANDS

The sober-minded believer has a calm, sane outlook on life. He is not complacent, but neither is he frustrated and afraid. He hears the tragic news of the day, yet he does not lose heart. He experiences the difficulties of life, but he does not give up. He knows his...

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Would you rather have God’s Word than money? The believer who wrote Psalm 119 made it clear that God’s Word meant more to him than “all riches” (v. 14), “thousands of gold and silver” (v. 72), “fine gold” (v. 127), and even “great spoil” (v. 162). I recall a young...

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