Christians are waiting for Jesus Christ, and He may return at any time. We are not waiting for any “signs”; we are waiting for the Saviour. We are waiting for the redemption of the body and the hope of righteousness. When Jesus Christ returns, we will receive new bodies and...

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A Time to be Renewed A CHRISTIAN WIFE

It is the character and conduct of the wife that will win the lost husband—not arguments, but such attitudes as submission, understanding, love, kindness, and patience. These qualities are not manufactured; they are the fruit of the Spirit that comes when we are submitted to Christ and to one another....

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A Time to be Renewed “THINGS” THAT STEAL JOY

It is easy for us to get wrapped up in “things,” not only the tangible things that we can see, but also the intangibles such as reputation, fame, achievement. Paul wrote about things that he thought were especially important before he received Christ. Some of those “things” were intangible, such...

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A Time to be Renewed DEBT FREE!

God has forgiven us. Redemption and forgiveness go together.The word translated forgiveness means “to send away” or “to cancel a debt.” Christ has not only set us free and transferred us to a new kingdom, but He has canceled every debt so we cannot be enslaved again. Satan cannot find...

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A Time to be Renewed LET THE LORD BE LORD

Some standards and practices in our local churches are traditional but not necessarily scriptural. Can you remember when dedicated Christians opposed Christian radio “because Satan was the prince of the power of the air?” Some people still make Bible translation use a test of orthodoxy. The church is divided and...

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A Time to be Renewed THE FINISHED WORK

A teenage boy whose mother was away on a visit found himself with time on his hands. He decided to read a book from the family library. His mother was a devout Christian, so the boy knew there would be a sermon at the beginning and an application at the...

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A Time to be Renewed SAVING FAITH

Saving faith involves the mind, the emotions, and the will. With the mind we understand the truth of the Gospel, and with the heart we feel conviction and the need to be saved. But it is only when we exercise the will and commit ourselves to Christ that the process...

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A Time to be Renewed A STRONG CONSCIENCE

If we are to maintain a good conscience, we must deal with sin in our lives and confess it immediately. We must “keep the window clean.” We must also spend time in the Word of God and “let in the light.” A strong conscience is the result of obedience based...

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A Time to be Renewed UNION AND COMMUNION

The fact of God’s presence with us is ensured by His promise, but the experience of His presence depends on how we relate to Him in faith, love, obedience, and desire. There is a difference in the Christian life between “union” (belonging to Christ) and “communion” (enjoying fellowship with Christ)....

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A Time to be Renewed A TAILOR-MADE YOKE

Jesus said, “Come.” The Pharisees all said, “Do!” and tried to make the people follow Moses and the traditions. But true salvation is found only in a person, Jesus Christ. To come to Him means to trust Him. This invitation is open to those who are exhausted and burdened down....

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