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Daily Strength Blog

As Christians, we must live for eternity and not just for the present. In fact, walking by faith and not by sight makes our Christian lives meaningful today.


This brings to mind the story of two farmers, one a believer and the other an atheist. When harvest season came, the atheist taunted his believing neighbor because it seemed God had not blessed him too much. The atheist’s family had not been sick, his
fields were rich with harvest, and he was sure to make a lot of money.


“I thought you said it paid to believe in God and be a Christian,” said the atheist.

“It does pay,” replied the Christian. “But God doesn’t always pay His people in September.”


What kind of future does the unbeliever face? Paul used dramatic terms to describe it: tribulation, vengeance, flaming fire, punishment, and everlasting destruction. The Christ-rejecting world will receive from God exactly what it gave God’s people!
When God recompenses, He pays in kind—for there is a law of compensation that operates in human history.


God promises: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).


Consider: Luke 6:22-23, 35; 16:10-12; Romans 2:6-11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12; Hebrews 11:26; Revelation 22:12.


Action assignment: Look up the word faithful in a good dictionary. Consider how you could be more faithful to God. Talk to Him about any problem you may have with faithfulness and with living “with eternity’s values in view.”

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