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Daily Strength Blog

Our longtime friends cannot understand the change in our lives, and they want us to return to the same “excess of riot” that we used to enjoy. But the will of God is so much better! If we do the will of God, we will invest “the rest of our time” in that which is lasting and satisfying; but if we give in to the world around us, we will waste “the rest of our time” and regret it when we stand before Jesus.

The will of God is not a burden He places on us. Rather it is the divine enjoyment and enablement that makes all burdens light. The will of God comes from the heart of God, and therefore is an expression of the love of God. We may not always understand what He is doing, but we know that He is doing what is best for us. We do not live on explanations; we live on promises.

Verse for today: “For whoever shall do the will of God, the same is My brother, and My sister, and mother” (Mark 3:35).

Additional Scripture: Psalm 33:11; Romans 12:2; John 5:30.

Action assignment: Observe the fact that Romans 12:2 speaks of three steps the Christian should take. What are they? Talk to God about your life in relation to this command.

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