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Daily Strength Blog

Read 2 Corinthians 1:1–7
Our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:7

Dr. George W. Truett pastored First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, for nearly fifty years. In one of his sermons, he told about an unbelieving
couple whose baby died suddenly. Dr. Truett conducted the funeral and later had the joy of seeing both parents trust Jesus Christ. Many months later, a young mother lost her baby, and Dr. Truett was called to bring her comfort. Nothing he shared seemed to help. But at the funeral service, the newly converted mother stepped to the young woman’s side and said, “I passed through this, and I know what you are passing through. God called me, and through the darkness I came to Him. He has comforted me, and He will comfort you!”

Later Dr. Truett said, “The first mother did more for the second mother than I could have done; for the first young mother had travelled the road of suffering herself.” If we have experienced God’s comfort, then “we can
comfort those in any trouble” (v. 4).

Something to Ponder
Can you recall a time in your life or the life of a friend or family member that caused you to question God’s love or doubt His power? How did you deal with your feelings?

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