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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 1:3
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3

Most people are dissatisfied today because their total personality has never been controlled by something real and meaningful. When people are born of God through faith in Christ, God’s Spirit comes into their life to live there forever. As they have fellowship with God in reading and studying the Bible and in prayer, the Holy Spirit is able to control their mind, heart, and will. And what happens then?

A Spirit-controlled mind knows and understands truth. A Spiritcontrolled heart feels love. A Spirit-controlled will inclines to obedience. John wants to impress this fact on us, and that is why he uses a series of contrasts in his letter: truth versus lies, love versus hatred, and obedience versus disobedience. There is no middle ground in the life that is real. We
must be on one side or on the other.

This, then, is the life that is real. It was revealed in Christ; it was
experienced by those who trusted in Christ; and it can be shared today by those who are in Christ.

Something to Ponder
Which of the three aspects of personality (mind, heart, or will) do you find hardest to submit to God? Why?

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