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Daily Strength Blog

Read Ecclesiastes 9:1–4
Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! Ecclesiastes 9:4

Death is not an accident—it is an appointment (Heb. 9:27 KJV), a destiny that nobody but God can cancel or change. Life and death are in the hand of God (Eccl. 9:1), and only He knows our future. Solomon was not
suggesting that we are passive actors in a cosmic drama, following an unchangeable script. Throughout this book, Solomon emphasizes our freedom of discernment and decision. But only God knows what the future holds for us and what will happen tomorrow because of the decisions we make today.

“As it is with the good man, so with the sinner” (v. 2). “If so, why bother to live a godly life?” we may ask. “After all, whether we obey the law or disobey, bring sacrifices or neglect them, make or break promises, we will die just the same.” Yes, we share a common destiny on earth—death and the grave—but we do not share a common destiny in eternity. For that reason, everybody must honestly face “the last enemy” (1 Cor. 15:26) and decide how to deal with it. How we deal with the reality of death reveals itself in the way we deal with the realities of life.

Something to Ponder
Is there anything you feel you need to do before you die? If so, are you working toward getting it done?

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