Read Philippians 2:22–30
Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. I hope, therefore, to send him as soon as I see how things go with me. Philippians 2:22–23
Timothy knew the meaning of sacrifice and service, and God rewarded him for his faithfulness. To begin with, Timothy had the joy of helping others. To be sure, there were hardships and difficulties, but there were also victories and blessings. He had the joy of serving with the great apostle Paul and assisting him in some of his most difficult assignments.
But perhaps the greatest reward God gave to Timothy was to choose him to be Paul’s replacement when the great apostle was called home. Paul himself wanted to go to Philippi, but he had to send Timothy in his place. But, what an honor! Timothy was not only Paul’s “son,” and Paul’s servant, but he became Paul’s substitute. The submissive mind is not the product of an hour’s sermon or a week’s seminar or even a year’s service. The submissive mind grows in us as, like Timothy, we yield to the Lord and seek to serve others.
Something to Ponder
Do you have anyone you can count on in the same way that Paul counted on Timothy? If not, how can you begin such a relationship with someone?