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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 2:7–8
I am not writing you a new command but an old one.… Yet I am writing
you a new command. 1 John 2:7–8

The Christian life—the life that is real—is a beautiful blending of
“something old, something new.” The Holy Spirit never grows old! And He is the only person on earth today who was here centuries ago when Jesus lived, taught, died, and rose again. He is the only one who can take “old truth” and make it fresh and new.

There are other exciting truths in the rest of 1 John, but if we fail to obey
in the matter of love, the rest of the letter may well be “darkness” to us.
Perhaps the best thing we can do right now is to search our hearts to see if we hold anything against a fellow believer or if someone has anything
against us (2:9–11). The life that is real is an honest life—and it is a life of
doing, not merely saying. It is a life of active love in Christ. This means
forgiveness, kindness, and longsuffering. But it also means joy, peace, and victory.

The love life is the only life, because it is the life that is real!

Something to Ponder
Are you currently involved in an unresolved conflict? If so, what steps can
you take to try to deal with the matter?

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