Read Colossians 4:3–4
Today’s Scripture: Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Colossians 4:3
A visitor at Spurgeon’s Tabernacle in London was being shown around the building by the pastor, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. “Would you like to see the powerhouse of this ministry?” Spurgeon asked, as he showed the man into a lower auditorium. “It is here that we get our power, for while I am preaching upstairs, hundreds of my people are in this room praying.” Is it any wonder that God blessed Spurgeon’s preaching of the Word?
You, as a church member, can assist your pastor by praying for him.
Never say to your pastor, “Well, the least I can do is to pray for you.” The
most you can do is to pray! Pray for your pastor as he prepares the Word, studies, and meditates. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give deeper insights into the truths of the Word. Pray too that your pastor will practice the Word that he preaches so that it will be real in his own life. As he preaches the message, pray that the Spirit will give him freedom of utterance and that the Word will reach into hearts and minds in a powerful way. (And it wouldn’t hurt to pray for other church leaders too.)
Something to Ponder
What are some specific ways that you can more effectively pray for your