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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 Corinthians 9:1–18


Today’s Scripture: What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make use of my rights in preaching it. 1 Corinthians 9:18


The unsaved world is convinced that most preachers are involved in

“religious rackets” to take money from innocent people. No doubt there are people who “use” religion to exploit others and control them. But we must make sure that nothing we do in our own ministry gives the impression that we are of their number.


A wrong attitude toward money has hindered the gospel from the earliest

days of the church. Simon the magician thought he could buy the gift of the Holy Spirit with money (Acts 8:18–24). Ananias and Sapphira loved money more than the truth, and God killed them (5:1–10).


For eighteen years, Dr. H. A. Ironside served as pastor of Moody Church

in Chicago. The first time I heard him announce an offering, he said, “We

ask God’s people to give generously. If you are not a believer in Jesus

Christ, we do not ask you to give. We have a gift for you—eternal life

through faith in Christ!” He made it clear that the offering was for believers, lest the unsaved in the congregation stumble over money and reject the gospel.


Something to Ponder

How can money propel the cause of the gospel? How can it become a






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