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Daily Strength Blog

Read Philippians 3:4–7

Measuring Sticks

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.

Philippians 3:7


Every Jew could boast of his own blood heritage. Some Jews could boast of their faithfulness. But Paul could boast of those things plus his zeal in persecuting the church (see Phil. 3:5–6). We might ask, “How could a sincere man like Saul of Tarsus be so wrong?” The answer is simple: He was using the wrong measuring stick!

Like the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17–22 KJV) and the Pharisee in Jesus’ parable (Luke 18:10–14), Saul of Tarsus was comparing himself with standards set by people, not by God. As far as obeying outwardly the demands of the law, Paul was a success, but he did not stop to consider the inward sins he was committing.

When he looked at himself in comparison with others, Saul of Tarsus considered himself to be righteous. But one day he saw himself as compared with Jesus Christ! It was then that he changed his evaluations and values and abandoned “works righteousness” for the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:20–24).

Something to Ponder

What is something you may be clinging to that would be better to “consider loss” in order to continue to grow spiritually?

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