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Daily Strength Blog

ESTHER 3:5 When Haman saw that Mordecai did not bow or pay him homage, Haman was filled with
A group of people were shown a large sheet of white cardboard with a small, black dot in the center.
The leader of the group asked them, “What do you see?” Everyone responded that they saw a black
dot. “Yes,” replied the leader, “but what about all the white cardboard around it?”
It’s easy to focus on the “black dot” and forget the rest. Haman did. We aren’t told why, but he was
elevated above all the other princes in the land (Esther 3: 1).
Since it took place shortly after the plot on the king’s life was discovered, he may have taken credit
for uncovering the scheme. Authority, wealth and recognition rolled into his coffers.
He enjoyed having others bow and scrape before him, and it bothered him extremely when Mordecai
refused to join the group.
In fact, after sharing with his family and friends about all his wealth and honors, he concluded, “Yet all
this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate” (Esther 5:13).
One negative outweighed all the positive. How foolish we are when we allow a single flaw to destroy
the many blessings that God has brought into our lives. We discredit our family when all we can see
are their faults.
We show disrespect for our pastor when we focus on his weakness and forget his many strengths.
Most of all we do a disservice to God when all that is engulfs us and all that is positive us.
You letting the negatives in your life outweigh the positives? Try focusing on all the good that comes
from your circumstances and thank God for that. You may be gratified to discover that the “white
spaces” in your life is far greater than the black dot.”

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