RUTH 2:22-23 : And Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, “It Is good, my daughter that you go out
with his young women, and that people do not meet you in any other field.” So she stayed close by
the young women of Boaz, to glean until the end of barley harvest and wheat harvest; and she dwelt
with her mother-in-law.
When travelers visit a foreign land, they are often issued a visa. A visa, in essence, is an agreement
with that government that you will stay no longer than a set number of days or months. If that time
expires, you must either renew your visa or leave the country. A visa is not for those who plan to live
in a country; it’s only for those who plan to visit.
Ruth did not have a visa. When she followed Naomi back to Israel, she had no intention of ever
returning to Moab. The Bible says she “dwelt” with her mother-in law. This verb implies establishing
a permanent residence. She was not just there for a visit; she was there for good.
When we come to Christ, it should be with the idea of taking up permanent residence. We do not
come to sample the weather and see if we like it. Having tried everything else, we don’t “try Jesus.”
Instead, we come as those ready to surrender allegiance to all other “countries” and to make Jesus
our permanent home. Jesus said, “Abide in Me, and I in you” (John 15:4). The consistency and
permanency about our relationship set it apart from a mere visit.
Furthermore, this commitment is reciprocated as Jesus promises to do the same for us. He abides in
us, as we abide in Him. Only then can we bear much fruit for God’s glory (v.5).
Do you want to enjoy life to the fullest? Then walk consistently with Christ. Be regular in your prayer
times and Bible reading. Be faithful to your local church. Let it be obvious that you’re not a visitor, but
have taken up residence in Christ.
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