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Daily Strength Blog

Rahab was a harlot, an unlikely person to put faith in the true God of Israel! The other inhabitants of her city were marked for death, but God in His mercy and grace permitted Rahab to live. She knew that Jehovah had delivered Israel from Egypt and that He had opened the Red Sea. She also knew God had defeated the other nations during Israel’s wilderness wanderings. “For the Lord your God, He is God” (Joshua 2:11). That was her testimony of faith, and God honored it.

True faith must always show itself in good works. Rahab protected the spies, put the cord in the window as directed, apparently won her family to the true faith, and in every way obeyed the Lord. Not only was she delivered from judgment, but she became a part of the nation of Israel. She married Salmon and gave birth to Boaz, who was an ancestor of King David. Imagine a pagan harlot becoming part of the ancestry of Jesus Christ! That is what faith can do!

Rahab is certainly a rebuke to unsaved people who give excuses for not trusting Christ. A condemned, heathen harlot, she knew very little spiritual truth—but she acted on what she did know. She stands as one of the great women of faith in the Bible.

Verse for today: “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace” (Hebrews 11:31).

Look up: Joshua 2:8-21, 6:25; James 2:20-26.

Action assignment: Think of the excuses you’ve heard for not trusting Christ, and note how Rahab’s actions refute each excuse. Pray for someone you know who may be using some defense today.

Warren W. Wiersbe

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