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Daily Strength Blog

When the dying Jews looked to the uplifted serpent in the wilderness, they were healed (Numbers 21:4-9). This is an illustration of our salvation through faith in Christ. “Looking unto Jesus” (Hebrews 12:2) describes an attitude of faith and not just a single act. “To look” means “to trust.”

When our Lord was here on earth, He lived by faith. The mystery of His divine and human natures is too profound for us to understand fully, but we do know that He had to trust His Father in heaven as He lived day by day. The fact that Jesus prayed is evidence that He lived by faith.

Our Lord endured far more than did any of the heroes of faith named in Hebrews 11, and therefore He is a perfect example for us to follow. On the cross He suffered for all the sins of all the world! Yet He endured and finished the work the Father gave Him to do.

Scripture says: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15).

Also read: John 3:16; 7:4, Hebrews 2:13; Isaiah 8:17.

Action assignment: Express your devotion to Christ for enduring the Cross for you. Determine to look to—trust in—Him as your perfect example.

Warren W. Wiersbe

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