Paul had written the Corinthians a stern message (2 Corinthians 7:8-9), and
then had regretted it. But the letter achieved its purpose and the Corinthians
repented, and this made Paul rejoice. Their repentance was not merely a
passing regret;
it was a true, godly sorrow for sin. The difference is seen in Judas and Peter.
Judas “repented himself” (was full of regret) and went out and committed
suicide; Peter wept and repented of his fall.
Do Christians need to repent? Jesus said that we do, and Paul agreed with
Him. Four of the seven churches of Asia Minor, listed in Revelation 2-3, were
commanded to repent. To repent simply means “to change one’s mind”;
disobedient Christians need to repent, not in order to be saved, but in order
to restore their close fellowship with God.
Today’s verse: “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and
leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death” (1 Corinthians 7:10, NIV).
Also: Matthew 26:75, 27:5; Luke 17:3-4; 2 Corinthians 12:21.
Action assignment: Spend a minute or two considering the difference
between merely being sorry and truly repenting. Talk with God and ask Him
to help you detect times when you need to repent to restore close fellowship
with Him.
Warren W. Wiersbe
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