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Daily Strength Blog

When my wife and I visited the Tower of London and saw the royal jewels, we
noticed that the crowd was kept moving—and the guards stood still. They
were constantly watching the visitors; nothing could move them from their
appointed places. Similarly, you and I are helping to guard the “precious
faith,” and we must not be moved by the wiles of Satan nor the praises of
Too many Christians today emphasize guarding the truth, but downplay
living the truth. One of the best ways to guard the truth is to put it into
practice. It is good to be defenders of the faith, but we must not forget to be
demonstrators of the faith. Lazarus did not have to give lectures on the
People had only to look at him and they believed. It is not enough to believe
the truth and guard it; we must also practice it. If we hear the Word, but do
not obey it, we are only fooling ourselves.
Today’s verse: “Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving
your own selves” (James 1:22).
Also: James 1:23-27; 1 John 3:21-22, 24; 5:2-4.
Action assignment: Ask God to help you list five ways you can show your
faith through obedience to His Word. List them here:
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Warren W. Wiersbe

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