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Daily Strength Blog

The individual who has received Christ as Saviour has been united to Christ, but he is traveling
through a world that has an ungodly, hostile atmosphere.Thus, the believer needs a spiritual
atmosphere in which to breathe.
Just as astronauts have to take along their own atmosphere when they go to the moon, the
believer needs spiritual atmosphere to sustain his spiritual life while on earth. The believer needs
spiritual food, spiritual companions, spiritual exercise, spiritual strength and spiritual weapons.
God has blessed believers with “all” spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3). Many of these are mentioned
in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. God has withheld nothing in providing benefits for the believer
— all spiritual blessings are available. God has not just given out of His riches, but He has
provided for the believer “according to” His riches.
There is not a single benefit that God wants to provide for the believer that He is unable to
provide. Every blessing that is needed for the spirit, soul and body; every blessing that is needed
for past, present and future; every blessing that is needed for salvation, sanctification and service;
and every blessing that is needed for time and eternity has been provided in Christ for the
believer. As is seen from 2 Corinthians 9:8, God is able to make His grace overflow to the
believer so that the believer has everything he needs to meet any spiritual problem.
According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness (2
Pet. 1:3).
Theodore Epp

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