Now we can see how God delivered David from the dilemma sin had gotten him into in Gath. He
must have been a troubled man when Achish told him that he and other Philistine princes were
going against Israel. But when those princes came, they were alarmed and indignant to find
Hebrews in the army of Achish.
They said, “What do these Hebrews here?” (1 Sam. 29:3). That was a good question and is a
question the world has a right to ask when Christians are out of place. Worldly people seem to
know better than some of us who claim the name of Christ that we ought to have standards
different from theirs.
We often think that we must mix with the world in order to win the people of the world. We think
that by compromising we will win them to the Lord. This is often an argument given by Christian
young people who marry unbelievers. They feel that after they are married they will be able to
win their mate to Christ. But it rarely works out that way. Disaster often follows.
God in His mercy has His way of keeping a person from going completely to ruin. David was
dismissed from the army by Achish, and this dismissal was his way out. Achish was satisfied with
him, but the other princes of the Philistines were not.
This was how God made it possible for David to escape from this great dilemma. God kept David
from falling into the greater tragedy of actually fighting against his own people.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Cor. 15:33, NASB).
Theodore Epp