1 SAMUEL 26:5-14,17-21
David had taught his men two years earlier that it was not right to kill God’s anointed. But Abishai
looked on this as a deliverance by God for David and thought that Saul’s life should be taken.
Abishai offered to do this for David, but David refused. He would not allow his companion to
touch the life of the man who was God’s anointed.
With complete reliance upon God, David crept into the midst of this hostile force and took away
the spear and water jug from Saul’s side. Early the next morning David awakened Saul and his
men by calling to them from a safe distance.
David reminded Saul that he had driven David from God’s inheritance, and that was just as good
as saying he should serve other gods. He was not allowed to come near the tabernacle and was
hunted like a flea or a partridge.
Saul had not gotten over his jealousy. It came over him again and again because he did not judge it
properly as sin. This was one of the factors that made such a great difference between Saul and
David. David thoroughly judged his sin. Read, for example, Psalm 51, which was written several
years following this incident. If we do not confess and forsake sin, it will lead to more sin and
ultimately to death.
Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same (Job 4:8).
Theodore Epp
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