EXODUS 4:1-17
Moses gave seven reasons why he wasn’t the man for God’s task: lack of capability, lack of
message, lack of authority, lack of eloquence, lack of fitness or adaptation, lack of previous
success and lack of previous acceptance.
Instead of receiving God’s approval, the excuses Moses gave only kindled God’s anger. The Bible
says, “The anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses” (Ex. 4:14). This does not mean that God
had a fit of temper; rather, it means that God was not pleased with the excuses Moses offered.
In effect, God was saying, “Moses, you have no right to make these excuses, and if your faith
were in the right place and Person, you would not be making them.”
Just as God became angry with Moses because of his excuses, so He becomes angry with any
believer who limits Him by a lack of faith. Actually, the excuses Moses gave were the exact
reasons why God had selected him for the task.
For each lack that Moses expressed, God had a satisfying and abundant provision. What Moses
failed to understand at this time was that when God calls, He always guarantees and furnishes all
that is needed to accomplish His will. This is also true of believers today.
When God calls you to do something, He always guarantees and furnishes all you need to do
what He asks.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it
until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:6).
Theodore Epp