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Daily Strength Blog





Psalms 143-145, 1 Corinthians 14:21—40 Key Verse: Psalm 143:10


As mentioned yesterday, sometimes the problem isn’t with knowing what to do but with doing it. In Psalm 143 David prays not only to know God’s will but to do it. “Show me the way I should go,” he prays (v. 8), and then asks, “Teach me to do your will (v. 10).” Far too often our problem is with failing to do God’s will.


Earlier in the psalm David describes his soul as longing for God like a parched land. As dry ground thirsts for moisture, David’s soul thirsts for God. There is a connection with what he says in verse 6 about his thirst and his prayer to be teachable in verse 10. The thirsty soul will be teachable.


We need to keep our souls thirsty. That is done by keeping a proper attitude. When we feel satisfied spiritually, we will not be thirsty. It is tempting to stay spiritually anemic if we are satisfied with our spiritual condition. But the proper attitude is one that longs for more of God. Then when our souls are thirsty, we will be teachable.


If we are spiritually satisfied, no more is wanted—we are neither thirsty nor teachable. Stay thirsty!


_Examine your heart, asking, “Do I thirst for God?” If not, ask God to make you a thirsty and teachable Christian._


Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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