Psalms 135-136, 1 Corinthians 12 • Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:18
Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Have you wanted to handle a basketball like Michael Jordan or hit a baseball like Mark McGwire? Do you feel like you got. the short end of the stick when it comes to gifts and talents? If so, cheer up. God has good news for you.
The Corinthian congregation was made up of very diverse people. In addition, God gave each of these Christians special gifts—spiritual gifts. These gifts were to be used to help others in the church develop to full maturity in Christ.
Instead, the Corinthians argued over whose spiritual gift was the greatest. God gave each member exactly what He wanted them to have, but they failed to use that gift while they dreamed about being someone else.
Sometimes that happens in the church today. We forget that what God gives us to do is the most important task we can do. If we do someone else’s job in church and neglect our own, we fail twice.
Has God gifted you in a certain way? The only way you can be happy is to allow God to get out of you what He has put in you. He has tailor-made a gift for you. It’s His choice for you, and God’s choices are always right choices. Don’t fail twice by salivating after someone else’s gift; savor your own.
_“Help me, Father, to recognize that You have given me gifts to use for others. Don’t let me be jealous of others. Instead, let me be zealous in serving You with my gift. ”_
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett