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Daily Strength Blog

Psalms 63-65, Romans 6 • Key Verses: Romans 6:22-23

A remarkable fact about Romans 6:23 is often missed—this verse was written to believers. We often use it to tell others about God’s gift of salvation, but Paul wrote it to the church. Too often the meaning of the text is missed because we think only in terms of how it applies to others. In this chapter, Paul is telling us how to say no to sin.

One reason is found in these verses. We have been set free and are no longer a slave to sin. In the past, the master we served was sin. Paul makes it clear that we were slaves to sin but have been set free by Christ. Our Master now is God.

The penalty for sin, the former service, is death. Now, the believer’s outlook is to life.
Before it was a “wage” that was earned. We were destined to receive what we deserved. Now it is a gift received, undeserved but freely given. Sin pays us what we earn, which is death, but God gives us what we need, which is life.

Paul wrote these words to the Christian as an encouragement not to sin. The chapter begins with a stirring call for us hot to continue sinning.

Why keep living like a slave to sin? There is no good reason to. Instead, we should live like people who have received the greatest gift ever given, the gift of eternal life.

“God, help me to turn away from sin and turn to holiness. Help me see sin as You see it and understand that in Christ I am free from the penalty and power of sin.”

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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