Job 32—33, Acts 14 • Key Verses: Acts 14:21-23
A recent business trend has been that of writing a mission statement—a concise paragraph
stating in a memorable way the purpose of a business or organization. Added to it might be some
objectives and an explanation of how those objectives will be accomplished. Churches also use
written mission statements as a way of focusing their efforts. The difference is that a church
should draw all these things from the Bible.
Acts 14:21-23 could provide the framework for a church’s mission statement. Luke’s report on
the ministry of Paul and Barnabas highlights three crucial aspects of their work. They were:
1. Evangelizing. “They . . . won a large number of disciples” (v. 21).
2. Edifying. “. . . strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith”
(v. 22).
3. Establishing. “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer
and fasting, committed them to the Lord” (v. 23).
What they did then, we must do now. These three objectives must be central to every church’s
mission. We need to be reaching people for Jesus, discipling them and helping the local church
develop. There are other things to consider, but without a doubt these are core commitments for
the church.
If your church is writing a mission statement, or already has one, are these three items
incorporated in it? And are you involved in seeing these objectives accomplished?
Evaluate what you are doing. If you and your church are not seeking to accomplish these
objectives, commit today to making the needed changes so that you are on God’s mission.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett
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