2 Chronicles.21—22, John 14 • Key Verse: John 14:1
Sometimes our hearts can feel like waves tossed in the wind. The word troubled, found in verse
1, can be defined that way, as if Jesus were saying to His disciples, “Don’t let your hearts be like
wind- tossed waves.”
That is easier said than done. Troubled hearts need more than the admonition “don’t.” They need
reasons. The hope of heaven is a cure for troubled hearts. To comfort their troubled hearts, Jesus
taught the disciples three things about heaven.
First, heaven is a place. It is the dwelling place of God, angels and the redeemed, not an
imagined place.
Second, it is a prepared place—prepared by Jesus, for us! He is there now preparing a place for
us, an abiding place, a “mansion” as some translations put it.
Third, the presence of Christ is there. He promises to return for us, and we look forward to a
glorious reunion, one that will be eternal as we dwell in heaven, the place He has prepared for us
and will take us to.
Do not lose heart. Do not allow your heart to be tossed about by winds of despair. Believe in
Christ. Believe in heaven, and let not your heart be troubled.
Jesus did not promise an untroubled life but a peaceful heart, and it comes from an eternal
perspective that sees heaven as home and knows how to get there from here.
Remember that this world is temporary. One day all of these things will be gone. Ask God to use
the hope of heaven to calm your heart.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett