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Daily Strength Blog

2 Samuel 14 – 15, Luke 17:1-19 • Key Verse: Luke 17:1
Have you ever been influenced? Of course you have. If people weren’t susceptible to being
influenced, the entire advertising industry would collapse. Sometimes when filling out the
registration card on a purchase you are asked, “Where did you hear about this product?” You
then can choose from a list that includes everything from TV, magazines and newspapers to
friends and family. The manufacturer wants to know what influences are working best because
we all can be influenced.
God knows that and at times warns us against being influenced. Yet He also wants us to be a
good influence and warns us against being a bad influence, Jesus said, “Things that cause people
to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come” (v. 1).
There’s no doubt about what Jesus meant when He said that. We are Surrounded by things that
cause people to sin, You do not have to look long and hard to see that—and you probably
shouldn’t look so long and hard for such things! We live in a sin-cursed world, and the
opportunities for sin surround us always.
Jesus also knew that some, people influence others to sin. “Woe to that person,” He said.
We think, Yes, woe to that pornographer, that bar owner, that call girl, but by thinking of only
“big,” obvious sins we miss the possibility that you and I can cause others to sin. We can
encourage gossip, disrespect for those in authority, dissension in the church and a multitude of
“smaller” but just as wrong sins.
Yes, woe to the pornographers, abortionists and bar owners, but woe also to us when we cause
others to sin.
Think carefully about this: are there ways that you are influencing others to. sin?

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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