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Daily Strength Blog

1 Samuel 13-14, Luke 10:1-24 • Key Verse: Luke 10:20
I heard it said, that we live in a society of calibration, always seeing how we measure up. No
wonder we like numbers and statistics. Checking the numbers, whether they are the value of our
home, income level or. attendance figures, helps us know how we measure up compared with
One day I decided never again to ask other pastors about the size of their churches. It seems to be
a staple of conversation, like talking about the weather. “So, how many attend your church?”
Perhaps this question is asked from a good conscience, but it just as easily can be asked to see
how one pastor measures up against another.
We all play the comparison game at times, whether were comparing Beanie Baby collections,
years on the job or our credit level.
The disciples came back from a preaching mission talking about the results. “Lord, even the
demons submit to us in your name,” they said (v. 17), but Jesus showed them what was more
important. “Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you,” He said, “but rejoice that your names
are written in heaven” (v. 20).
More important than results is the relationship we have with Jesus. Knowing how we measure up
compared with others may be the underlying motivation for some of our conversations. Examine
your heart. Is the comparison really that important? Look instead at what matters for eternity—
your relationship with Jesus.
And in your ministry, leave tallying results up to God. He knows the real score.
Your greatest joy should be your salvation. Ask God to help you rejoice in that, determine to
serve faithfully, and leave the results with Him.

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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