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Daily Strength Blog

Leviticus 13, Matthew 26:26-50 • Key Verses: Matthew 26:34-35

In the space of just a few verses are recorded words spoken by two disciples. The first was a lie
and the second was a boast. Judas lied and did what he denied. Peter boasted and did not do what
he declared.
“One of you will betray Me,” Jesus said. “Not I,” was Judas’s reply (vv. 21-25). “You will deny
Me,” Jesus said. “Never,” was Peters reply (vv. 34-35).Sometimes we know ourselves too well,
as did Judas. We know our plans for wrong, and our denials are hollow sounds. Sometimes we
do not know ourselves well enough, like Peter.
We make our boasts, which fall short of reality. Our boasts can be hollow sounds as well.
How it must have grieved the heart of Jesus. In the emotion of that night He heard from His
disciples words of deceit and denial.
What words does Jesus hear from you? He knows your plans and your heart, your words of
denial or boasting notwithstanding. Think about your words and the heart from which they come.
Eliminate deceit and denial and give true worth to your words.
Tell the truth always, to God and to man. Think before you speak, making sure you say what is
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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