Paul and his associates had received a special offering from the Gentile churches in Greece
for the suffering Jewish saints in Jerusalem. It was an expression of unfeigned love on the
part of the Gentiles toward their Jewish brethren.
It also meant practical relief at a time when the poor Jewish believers needed it the most.
And it was a bond that brought Jews and Gentiles in the church closer together.
Paul considered this offering the paying of a debt. The Gentiles, having received spiritual
wealth from the Jews, now were returning material wealth, thereby paying their debt. It was
the Jews who had given the Gentiles the Word of God and the Son of God.
Today we Christians also ought to feel an obligation to pay our debt by praying for Israel,
sharing the Gospel, and helping in a material way. Anti-Semitism has no place in the life of a
dedicated Christian.
Verse for today: “I am obligated both to Greeks and non- Greeks, both to the wise and the
foolish” (Romans 1:14, niv).
Also read: 2 Corinthians 8 and 9; Romans 8:12; 11:33-36; 13:8.
Action assignment: One version of the Lord’s Prayer says, “Forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors.” Who are your debtors? List
What are your debts—spiritually speaking? List the 3 to 5 that readily come to mind:
1._______________________________ 2.___________________________________
3._________________ 4.___________________________5._________________
Ask God’s help in finding tangible ways to pay up your “debt” to Him as well as ways to
show your love to Christians and non- Christians alike.