Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. ” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the chil dren of Israel, 7 AM has sent me to you.
People tend to identify themselves by what is important to them. If you were to talk to a man, he would probably identify himself both by his name and his job. He might say, “Hi, I’m Robert Smith. I teach high school math.” A woman would more likely identify herself in terms of relation ships. She might say, “Hi, I’m Ellen Smith, Robert’s wife,” or, “Hi, I’m Darlene Jones, Jill’s friend.”
But God does neither. When Moses needed a name to take to the Israelites in Egypt, God said, “Tell them ‘I AM’ has sent you.” God identifies Himself not by what He does or by His relationships, but rather by who He is. The name I AM can be taken to mean “I AM whatever you need.” If you are hungry, I AM the Bread of Life (John 6:35). If you are thirsty, I AM the living water (John 4:10-14). If you are in bondage, I AM the One who sets the captives free (Luke 4:18).
God is the eternal I AM. He is for you whatever you need today, just as He was for Moses. And He will be for you tomor row whatever you need then. Do you have a pressing need in your life? Whatever it is, be assured God can meet it. You may need peace during a troubled time (John 14:1, 27). You may need comfort in the midst of sorrow (Psalm 147:3). You may need to feel that someone loves you (John 15:13). God can meet all your needs; He is still the great I AM. Call upon Him and He will answer your need.