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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 3:18–24
For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
1 John 3:20
A “condemning heart” is one that robs us of peace. An “accusing conscience” is another way to describe it. Sometimes the heart accuses
us wrongly, because it “is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9). The answer to that question is
“God understands the heart!”
We must be careful lest the Devil accuse us and rob us of our
confidence (Rev. 12:10). Once we confess our sin, and it is forgiven,
we need not allow it to accuse us anymore.
We should not treat sin lightly, but we should not be harder on
ourselves than God is. There is a morbid kind of self-examination and
self-condemnation that is not spiritual. If we are practicing genuine
love for others, our heart must be right before God, for the Holy
Spirit would not share His love in us if there were habitual sin in our
heart (Rom. 5:5). When we grieve the Spirit, we turn off the supply
of God’s love (Eph. 4:30—5:2).
Something to Ponder
In what ways does the Devil accuse you and rob you of your confidence? What does it take to regain that confidence?

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