Read 1 Peter 3:1–2
Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that,
if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over
without words by the behavior of their wives.
1 Peter 3:1
While standing in the checkout line in a supermarket, I overheard
two women discussing the latest Hollywood scandal that was featured
on the front page of a tabloid. As I listened, I thought: How foolish to
worry about the sinful lives of matinee idols. Why clutter up your mind
with such trash? Why not get acquainted with decent people and learn
from their lives?
When Christian couples try to imitate the world and get their
standards from Hollywood instead of from heaven, there will be
trouble in the home. But if both partners will imitate Jesus Christ in
His submission and obedience, and His desire to serve others, then
there will be triumph and joy in the home.
We cannot follow Christ’s example unless we first know Him as
our Savior and then submit to Him as our Lord. We must spend
time with Him each day, meditating on the Word and praying; and a
Christian husband and wife must pray together and seek to encourage
each other in the faith.
Something to Ponder
What couple do you know who best demonstrates the meaning of real
love? What do you think is their “secret”?
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