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Daily Strength Blog

The fact of God’s presence with us is ensured by His promise, but the experience of His presence depends on how we relate to Him in faith, love, obedience, and desire. There is a difference in the Christian life between “union” (belonging to Christ) and “communion” (enjoying fellowship with Christ).


A father and mother might possibly forsake a child, but it is not likely. God is to us a devoted and faithful Father, and also tenderly deals with us as would a loving mother. As children in God’s family, we have a Saviour who is closer than a brother, and a Father who is both father and mother to us in all the demands of life.


As we walk the path of life, we need direction and guidance. The enemy is always present to trip us up and get us on attractive detours. No matter what the contour of the land might be, God wants to lead us on a level (plain) path so that we will not trip and fall. Satan wants to lead us on crooked paths that are uneven and treacherous.


Verse for today: “When Thou saidst, ‘Seek ye My face,’ my heart said unto Thee, ‘Thy face, Lord, will I seek’” (Psalm 27:8).


Other verses; Psalms 27:11-12; 103:13; Isaiah 49:15; John 14:16-18.

Action assignment: God’s path for your life becomes clear as you experience His presence. Ask Him to make Himself real to you as you prayerfully obey him. Fellowship with Him will give you joy and strength to resist the attacks of Satan. Today, decide
to practice the presence of Christ throughout your day’s activities. Thank Him for the fact of His presence as you experience daily communion with Him. Memorize John 14:23: “If a man love Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him.”

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