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Daily Strength Blog

Submission in the life of a believer is certainly not a popular topic in this day of lawlessness and the quest for “personal fulfillment,” but it is an important one. Peter applied the theme of submission to the life of a believer as a citizen, worker, marriage partner, and member of the Christian assembly.


Submission does not mean slavery or subjugation, but simply the recognition of God’s authority in our lives. God has established the home, human government, and the church, and He has the right to tell us how these institutions should be run. God wants each of us to exercise authority; but before we can exercise authority, we must be under authority. Satan’s offer to our first parents was freedom without authority, but they ended up losing both freedom and authority. The prodigal son found his freedom when he yielded to his father’s will.


Scripture says: “All of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5).


Also consider: 1 Peter 2:11-3:12.


Action assignment: Make it a definite action to submit your will to God today. Ask His help in exercising authority at work and at home.

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