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Daily Strength Blog

Sin in our lives keeps us from serving Christ as we should; this means a loss of reward. Lot is a good example of this truth. Unlike his uncle Abraham, Lot was not walking with the Lord and thus lost his testimony—even with his own family. When the judgment finally came, Lot was spared the fire and brimstone. But everything he lived for was burned up.


How does the Christian prepare for the Judgment Seat of Christ? By making Jesus Christ Lord of his life and faithfully obeying Him. Instead of judging other Christians, we had better judge our own lives and make sure we are ready to meet Christ.


Verse for today: “And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming” (1 John 2:28, NIV).


Also read: Luke 12:41-48; Hebrews 13:17; Genesis 18-19; Revelation 3:21.


Action assignment: We don’t want to be ashamed when we meet Jesus; we desire to please Him. Think about Jesus accompanying you through your day’s activities, and seek to please Him in what you do. List four specific activities in which His presence
will make an important difference:



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