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Daily Strength Blog

For centuries Greek and Roman philosophers used the term “fishers of men” to describe the work of the man who seeks to “catch” others by teaching and persuasion. Jesus had four, possibly seven men in the band of disciples who were professional fishermen; it was logical for Jesus to talk about “fishing” for men.


Why would Jesus call so many fishermen to His side? For one thing, fishermen were busy people; professional fishermen usually did not sit around doing nothing. When not actually fishing, they sorted their catches, prepared for a catch, or mended their nets.
The Lord needs busy people who are not afraid to work.


Fishermen have to be courageous and patient. It certainly takes patience and courage to win others to Christ. Fishermen must have skill; they must learn from others where to find the fish and how to catch them. Soul-winning demands skill too. These men must work together, and the work of the Lord demands cooperation. But most of all, fishing demands faith; fishermen cannot see the fish and are not sure their nets will enclose them. Soul-winning requires faith and alertness too, or we will fail.


Today’s Scripture: “And he saith unto them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him” (Matthew 4:19-20).


Also read: Luke 15:1-7; John 4:34-38; Luke 10:2.


Action assignment: Pray for an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus today. Be a “fisher of men.”

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