God becomes our Father when we trust Jesus Christ as our Saviour, but He cannot be to us a Father unless we obey Him and fellowship with Him. He longs to receive us in love and treat us as His precious sons and daughters. Salvation means we share the Father’s life, but separation means that we enter fully into the Father’s love.
God blesses those who separate themselves from sin and unto the Lord. Abraham, for example, separated himself from Ur of the Chaldees and God blessed him. When Abraham compromised and went to Egypt, God had to chasten him. As long as Israel
was separated from the sinful nations in Canaan, God blessed them; but when they began to mingle with the heathen, God had to discipline them.
Because of God’s gracious promises, we have some spiritual responsibilities. We must cleanse ourselves once and for all of anything that defiles us. It is not enough to ask God to cleanse us; we must clean up our own lives and get rid of those things that make it easy for us to sin.
But cleansing ourselves is only half of the responsibility; we must also be “perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1). This is a constant process as we grow in
grace and knowledge. It is important to be balanced. The Pharisees were keen on putting away sin, but they neglected to perfect holiness. It is foolish to try to perfect holiness if there is known sin in our lives.
Remember this: “Whoever has My commands and obeys them, He is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to him” (John 14:21), NIV).
And these verses: Ezra 9:10-15; Nehemiah9:2; 2 Corinthians 7:1.
Action assignment: Talk with God, asking Him to search your heart and help you separate yourself from anything that is keeping you from a closer relationship to Him.
Warren W. Wiersbe