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Daily Strength Blog

Hospitality is a virtue that is commanded and commended throughout the Scriptures. Moses included it in the Law. Jesus enjoyed hospitality while He was on earth, and so did the apostles in their ministry. Human hospitality is a reflection of God’s hospitality to us.

Abraham was hospitable to three strangers, and discovered that he had entertained the Lord and two angels. We help to promote the truth when we open our homes to God’s servants. In fact, when we share with others, we share with Christ. We should not open our homes to others just so that others will invite us over. We should do it to glorify the Lord.

Scripture for meditation: “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in:” (Matthew 25:35, NIV).

Other Scripture: Matthew 25:41-46; Deuteronomy 14:28-29; Acts 28:7; 3 John 5-8; Luke 14:12-14.

Action assignment: Plan how you can show someone special hospitality and invite him/her to your home. Ask God to make it a time of blessing.

Warren W. Wiersbe 

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