First Timothy 2:1 mentions four terms related to talking to our Heavenly Father: supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks.
Supplications carries the idea of “offering a request for a felt need.” Prayers is the commonest term for this activity, and it emphasizes the sacredness of prayer. We are praying to God; prayer is an act of worship, not just an expression of our wants and needs. There should be reverence in our hearts as we pray to God.
Intercessions is best translated petitions. This same word is translated “prayer” in 1 Timothy 4:5, where it refers to blessing the food we eat. (It is rather obvious that we do not intercede for our food in the usual sense of that word.) The basic meaning of the word is “to draw near to a person and converse confidently with him.” It suggests that we enjoy fellowship with God so that we have confidence in Him as we pray.
Giving of thanks is definitely a part of worship and prayer. We not only give thanks for answers to prayer, but for who God is and what He does for us in His grace. We should not simply add our thanksgiving to the end of a selfish prayer! Thanksgiving should be an important ingredient throughout all of our prayers. In fact, sometimes we need to imitate David and present to God only thanksgiving with no petitions at all! (See Psalm 103.)
Good advice: “I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men” (1 Timothy 2:1).
Also: Psalm 103.
Action assignment: If you want peace in your heart, practice Philippians 4:6 today and every day!