When Jesus watched His frustrated disciples as they tried to solve the problem of feeding the 5,000 (John 6), He taught them a lesson in faith and surrender. Here are the steps we must take in solving life’s problems:
Start with what you have. Andrew found a lad who had a small lunch, and he brought the lad to Jesus.
Give what you have to Jesus. Was the boy willing to give up his lunch? Yes! God begins where we are and uses what we have. Jesus broke the bread and gave the pieces to the disciples.
Obey what He commands. The disciples had the people sit down as Jesus ordered and distributed the broken pieces. If we give what we have to Him, He will bless it and give it back to us to use in feeding others.
Conserve the results. Twelve baskets filled with leftovers were carefully collected so that nothing was wasted.
The Apostle John recorded a sermon on “the Bread of Life” that Jesus gave the next day in the synagogue in Capernaum (John 6:22-59). The people were willing to receive the physical bread, but they would not receive the living Bread—the Son of God come down from heaven. Each of us should make sure we are not in some degree like these people.
Meditate on this thought: “The disciples … said, ‘This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.’ Jesus replied, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them
something to eat’ ” (Matthew 14:15-16, NIV).
Read: Matthew 14:13-21.
Action assignment: Consider the four steps above in relation to your own life. What kind of application can you make? Is there a matter you need to talk with the Lord about?