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Daily Strength Blog

Greatness without goodness would make God a selfish tyrant; goodness without greatness would make Him willing to help us but incapable of acting. Whatever God thinks, says, does, plans, and accomplishes is good. He can never will anything evil for us because He is the giver of everything good. In spite of the fact that there is evil in the world, and evil seems to be winning, “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psalm 33:5). If this were not true, we could never quote Romans 8:28 and really believe it!

The goodness of God enables us to face life without fear. We sing “This is my Father’s world,” and it is true. The world is not a prison, built to make us miserable; it is a school in which the Father is training us for glory. Because He is good, all things are working together for good for those who love and obey Him. God goes before us “with the blessings of goodness.” When we look back, we see only “goodness and mercy.” Why should we fret and be afraid when God’s goodness goes before us and follows behind us?

Verse for today: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17).

Also read: Exodus 33:19; Psalms 33:5; 23:6; 86:5; 100:5; 106:1; Jeremiah 31:14; John 10:11.
Action assignment: A good formula for eliminating fear from our lives is to make a study of God’s goodness and then believe His promises. After reading today’s verses, make a list of the good and perfect things in your life. Also make a list of the bad things. Ask God to give you patience, understanding, love, and obedience. Then thank Him for the knowledge that He is good and that He is working for your good in all aspects of the school of life.

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