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Daily Strength Blog

Read Isaiah 28
Priests and prophets stagger from beer and are befuddled with wine; they reel from beer, they stagger when seeing visions, they stumble when rendering decisions. Isaiah 28:7

Isaiah saw storm clouds gathering over the city and announced that trouble was coming. He began his message announcing God’s judgment on Ephraim (Isa. 28:1–6). Their arrogance was detestable to God, for they thought their fortress city of Samaria was impregnable. Samaria reigned in luxury and pleasure and had no fear of her enemies. The Lord was also
appalled by their drunkenness. To the Jews, wine was a gift from God and a source of joy. The law did not demand abstinence, but it did warn against drunkenness.

A government official in Washington, D.C., once quipped, “We have three parties in this city: the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and the
cocktail party.” Indeed, Washington, D.C., ranks high on the list of cities noted for alcohol consumption. Many people don’t realize that alcohol and nicotine, America’s favorite legal drugs, do far more damage than all the illegal drugs combined. What hope is there for our affluent,
pleasure-loving society that gives lip service to religion and ignores the tragic consequences of sin and the judgment that is sure to come?

Something to Ponder
Drunkenness was related to arrogance for the people of Ephraim. Do you think the two traits are still related? In what ways?

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