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Daily Strength Blog

Read Philippians 3:20–21
Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

The citizens of Philippi were privileged to be Roman citizens away from Rome. When babies were born in Philippi, it was important that their names be registered on the legal records. Citizenship is important. When we travel to another country, it is essential that we have a passport that proves our citizenship. None of us wants to suffer the fate of Philip Nolan in the classic tale The Man Without a Country written by Edward Everett.
Because he cursed the name of his country, Nolan was sentenced to live aboard ship and never again see his native land or even hear its name or news about its progress. For fifty-six years he was on an endless journey from ship to ship and sea to sea, and finally he was buried at sea.

As Christians our names are written in the Book of Life, and this is what determines our final entrance into the heavenly country. When we confess Christ on earth, He confesses us in heaven (Matt. 10:32 KJV). Our names are written down in heaven, and there they stand written forever.

Something to Ponder
What privileges are you entitled to as a “citizen of heaven”? What are your responsibilities as a “citizen of heaven”?

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