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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 5:4–5
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5:5

A Civil War veteran used to wander from place to place, begging a bed and bite to eat and always talking about his friend “Mr. Lincoln.” Because of his injuries, he was unable to hold a steady job. But as long as he could keep going, he would chat about his beloved president. “You say you knew Mr. Lincoln,” a skeptical bystander retorted one day. “I’m not so sure you did. Prove it!” The old man replied, “Why, sure, I can prove it. In fact, I have a piece of paper here that Mr. Lincoln himself signed and gave to me.” From his old wallet, the man took out a much-folded piece of paper and showed it to the man. “I’m not much for reading,” he apologized, “but I know that’s Mr. Lincoln’s signature.” “Man, do you know what you have here?” one of the spectators asked. “You have a generous federal pension authorized by President Lincoln. You don’t have to walk around like a poor beggar! Mr. Lincoln has made you rich!”

To paraphrase what John wrote: “You Christians do not have to walk around defeated, because Jesus Christ has made you victors! He has defeated every enemy, and you share His victory. Now, by faith, claim His victory.”

Something to Ponder
What does it mean to you that you have “overcome the world”?

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