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Daily Strength Blog

Read Hebrews 10:1–18
He waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:13–14

How do we know personally that we have a perfect standing before God? Because of the witness of the Holy Spirit through the Word (vv. 15–18). The witness of the Spirit is based on the work of the Son and is given through the words of Scripture. Old covenant worshippers could not say that they “no longer … felt guilty for their sins” (10:2). But new covenant believers can say that their sins are remembered no more (v. 17). There is “no longer any sacrifice for sin” (v. 18) and no more remembrance of sin!

I once shared a conference with a fine Christian psychiatrist whose lectures were very true to the Word. “The trouble with psychiatry,” he told me, “is that it can only deal with symptoms. A psychiatrist can remove a patient’s feelings of guilt, but he cannot remove the guilt. It’s like a trucker loosening a fender on his truck so he won’t hear the motor knock. A patient can end up feeling better, but have two problems instead of one!” When sinners trust Christ, their sins are all forgiven, the guilt is gone, and the matter is completely settled forever.

Something to Ponder
In what specific ways do you feel you are being “made holy”?

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