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Daily Strength Blog

Read 1 John 2:21–25
Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ.… No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 1 John 2:22–23

A missionary to Native Americans was in Los Angeles with an Indian friend who was a new Christian. As they walked down the street, they passed a man on the corner who was preaching with a Bible in his hand. The missionary knew the man represented a cult, but the Indian saw only the Bible. He stopped to listen to the sermon. I hope my friend doesn’t get confused, the missionary thought, and he began to pray. In a few minutes the Indian turned away from the meeting and joined his missionary friend.

“What did you think of that preacher?” the missionary asked.
“All the time he was talking,” exclaimed the Indian, “something in my heart kept saying, ‘Liar! Liar!’” That “something” in his heart was “Someone”—the Holy Spirit of God! The Spirit guides us into the truth and helps us to recognize error (John16:13). This anointing of God is “no lie,” because “the Spirit is the truth” (1 John 5:6).

Something to Ponder
Have you experienced a time when the Holy Spirit alerted you to a cleverly disguised falsehood being promoted by someone? How did the Spirit speak to you?

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