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Daily Strength Blog

Read Ecclesiastes 12
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13

People may seem to get away with sin (8:11), but their sins will eventually be exposed and judged righteously (vv. 12–13). Those who have not trusted the Lord Jesus Christ will be doomed forever. “The eternity of punishment is a thought which crushes the heart,” said Charles Haddon Spurgeon. “The Lord God is slow to anger, but when He is once aroused to it, as He will be against those who finally reject His Son, He will put forth all His omnipotence to crush His enemies.”

Solomon tells us to enjoy life while we can, but at no time does he advise us to enjoy sin. The joys of the present depend on the security of the future. If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, then your sins have already been judged on the cross; and “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:1; John 5:24). But if you die having never trusted Christ, you will face judgment at His throne (Rev. 20:11–15).

Is life worth living? Yes, if you are truly alive through faith in Jesus Christ. Then you can be satisfied, no matter what God may permit to come to your life.

Something to Ponder
What are specific things you can do today that are likely to bring you a greater degree of satisfaction with life tomorrow?

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